5 Tips for Protecting Your Business

With CNR Technologies' Security Package

May 3, 2023 | Uncategorized

  1. Use multi-factor authentication: Enable multi-factor authentication with Duo to provide an extra layer of security to your systems. This will require employees to provide additional verification to access sensitive information, even if their password is compromised.
  2. Implement cloud-managed encryption: Protect your business’s data with Beachhead’s cloud-managed encryption and device control. This feature will encrypt your data and allow you to remotely wipe devices that are lost or stolen.
  3. Use next-generation antivirus: Sentinel One’s next-generation antivirus solution uses AI-powered threat detection and response to detect and prevent cyber attacks. Stay ahead of cyber threats with this powerful security tool.
  4. Train employees: Educate your employees on the importance of cybersecurity and provide training on best practices for staying secure online. This will help prevent human error and reduce the risk of cyber attacks.
  5. Contact CNR Technologies for support: If you ever have questions or concerns about your cybersecurity, don’t hesitate to contact CNR Technologies for support. Our expert team can provide guidance and solutions to help keep your business secure.

To learn more about CNR Technologies’ comprehensive security package, visit https://cnrtech.com/security_package/ or call 678-825-4805 today.